cookie_accpeted = "no";
var labels = {
login_form: {
err_cookie: "Please enable cookies in your browser to log-in the platform",
err_missing_login: "Enter log-in and re-submit",
err_missing_password: "Enter password and re-submit",
err_missing_email: "Enter email and re-submit",
err_login: "Incorrect Login or Password",
err_account_locked: 'Your account is locked. Please contact Administrator',
err_account_disabled: 'Your account is disabled. Please contact Administrator',
err_incorrect_login: "Incorrect Login",
err_incorrect_email: "Email address not found",
password_reset_sent: 'A link has been sent to your email address allowing you to reset your password',
login_sent: 'An email has been sent to you with your log-in',
contact_form: {
err_missing_name: "Name field cannot be left blank",
err_missing_email: "Email field cannot be left blank",
err_missing_question: "Question field cannot be left blank",
err_wrong_email: "Enter a valid email address",
err_wrong_phone: "Phone number format is incorrect.",
registration_form: {
email_verification_url: "/page.php/validate_email_address",
field_save_url: "/page.php/registration_field_save",
user_name_verification_url: "/page.php/validate_user_name",
err_passowrd_match: "The two password fields are not the same",
err_email_match: "The two email addresses are not the same",
onboarding_form: {
email_verification_url: "/page.php/validate_email_address",
field_save_url: "/page.php/registration_field_save",
user_name_verification_url: "/page.php/validate_user_name",
step_2_url: "/page.php/onboarding/step/2",
step_3_url: "/page.php/onboarding/step/3",
wl_step_2_url: "/page.php/onboarding/edge/2",
wl_step_3_url: "/page.php/onboarding/edge/3",
my_edge: "",
err_passowrd_match: "The two password fields are not the same",
err_email_match: "The two email addresses are not the same",
password_form: {
err_cookie: "Please enable cookies in your browser to log-in the platform",
err_missing_password: "Enter new password",
err_confirm_password: "Confirm new password",
err_password_match: "Passwords are not the same",
account_form: {
err_missing_user_name: "Enter your Login ID",
password_validator: {
weak_password: "Weak",
nediun_password: "Medium",
strong_password: "Strong",
very_strong_password: "Very strong",
lei_success_modal: {
title: "Your account was created",
content: "Click to the button below to continue to EDGE",
button_title: "Continue"
edge_home_url: "/page.php/my-edge",
var forms = {
lei: {
search_url: "/page.php/onboarding/search_lei",
register_url: "/page.php/onboarding/register_user_profile",